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Central Park - San RamonOpenStreetMap GoogleMaps

Field 1 SW corner
Field 2 SE corner
Field 3 Behind and SW of Iron Horse Middle School
Field 4 Behind and NW of Iron Horse Middle School
Field 5 Center East on Alcosta Blvd

Alcosta Blvd. and Woodland Drive
San Ramon, CA 94583
Google Map of the Vicinity OpenStreetMap
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Fields at this Location
  1. Central Park - San Ramon #1, RedwoodSoccer 392, RidgeStar 591
  2. Central Park - San Ramon #2, RedwoodSoccer 393, RidgeStar 592
  3. Central Park - San Ramon #3, RedwoodSoccer 394, RidgeStar 593
  4. Central Park - San Ramon #4, RedwoodSoccer 395, RidgeStar 594
  5. Central Park - San Ramon #5, RedwoodSoccer 396, RidgeStar 595