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The Field named Greene 1 is at the Location named Greene Middle School

Greene Middle SchoolOpenStreetMap GoogleMaps

800 North California Avenue
Palo Alto, CA 94301
Google Map of the Vicinity OpenStreetMap
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Fields at this Location
  1. Greene 1 (Grass), RedwoodSoccer 36, RidgeStar 251, GotSoccer 93245
    Greene #1 is along California Ave next to the tennis courts.
  2. Greene 2 (Grass), RedwoodSoccer 37, RidgeStar 252, GotSoccer 56853, 63997, 64220
    Greene #2 is at the east end of the grass along the fence with Stratford School.
  3. Greene 3, RedwoodSoccer 421, RidgeStar 620, GotSoccer 64221
    Greene #3 is along the back fence on the far side of Greene #1, next to the pool.