Uploading Standings and Minutes FilesPrintable

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Go to Administrator:Files-Upload or LeagueOfficer:Files-Upload

Make sure that you upload Minutes to the Minutes folder and Standings to the Standings folder.

Standings Naming Convention

To input Historical Standings name the appropriate file on your computer to YYYY.PlayingLeague.Standings.ext

YYYY = The year in four numerical digits example 2007

PlayingLeague = Abronzino or Redwood or D2Spring or Delgado or RWL Spring

ext = pdf or doc depending on the type of document

pdf files are the preferred way to go. Please use pdf files if you have the ability.

The 'periods' between YYYY and PlayingLeague and between PlayingLeague and the word Standings are required.

EXAMPLE : 2007.RWL Spring.Standings.pdf

Minutes Naming Convention

To input Board Meeting Minutes name the appropriate file on your computer to YYYYMMDD.PlayingLeague.Minutes.ext

YYYYMMDD represents the Date of the Board Meeting

YYYY = The year in four numerical digits example 2007

MM = The month in two numerical digits (01 through 12)

DD = The date in two numerical digits (01 through 31)

PlayingLeague = Abronzino or Redwood or Delgado or Redwood AGM

ext = pdf or doc depending on the type of document

pdf files are the preferred way to go. Please use pdf files if you have the ability.

The 'periods' between YYYYMMDD and PlayingLeague and between PlayingLeague and the word Meeting are required.

EXAMPLE : 20070417.Redwood.Meeting.pdf