How to Add TeamStaff (Short bullet point version)Printable

Not in Directory

Adding a new Coach or Manager (who is not already in the database) to your team

If the TeamStaff Member is already in database you should NOT enter them again.

  1. Click on TeamStaff:Registration-Add New Team Staff

    Here you can add the Coach or Manager to the database.

  2. Go to TeamStaff:Manage-Team

    Here you can add the Coach or Manager to your Team. If Services:Profile-JavaNames is enabled, start typing the desired name till it pops up. Click on the Name. Click on Update.

Adding a new Coach or Manager (who is already in the database) to your team

  1. There are individuals in the database with the Role of Parent
  2. Go to TeamStaff:Manage-Users. Find the User (for Parents you find the Player and click on edit ). Click Coach or Manager under the Administrative tab. OR
  3. Contact your club Registrar to have Manager or Coach added to the Parent's Profile via Registrar:Manage-Users OR
  4. Contact the Webmaster to have Manager or Coach added to the Parent's Profile
  5. With the Role of Coach or Manager they will then be in the Directory

In Directory

  1. Go to TeamStaff:Manage-Team

    This is where you can add the Coach or Manager to your Team. If Services:Profile-JavaNames is enabled, start typing the desired name till it pops up. Click on the Name. Click on Update.