How to calculate Field Use Fees?Printable

For those Clubs that use the TimeSlots Mechanism, Field rental fees can be calculated.

  1. You must know your team ID#. It is a twelve digit number in the following format: 02-03-CC-TTTTTT. CC is the Club number and TTTTTT is the team number.

  2. Go to TeamStaff:Manage-TimeSlots.

  3. Adjust the criteria to include: ... Date: First date and last date of the time period you want. ... Rate (in the left hand column): 'blank' ... Team: The 10 digit TeamID number (with hyphens) of your team ... Status: Reserved ... Type: All Make sure each criteria above is Checked

  4. Make sure the number of results (Default is 20) next to the Show button is greater than the list you will generate.

  5. Press Show and the rate for each game, as well as a total, will be generated.

Updated 4/28/2013