Red Card processingPrintable

Below the term 'red card' refers to the send off of a player or the expulsion of an adult and an actual red card may not have been shown. The correct terminology is 'send off' for the player and 'expulsion' for the credentialed adult.

What Happens When Someone Gets A Red Card?

  • The referee completes a Send-Off Report (an explanation of what happened and why the red card was given)

  • The Playing League Disciplinary Chair or Committee determines the appropriate penalty or suspension.

How Are Suspensions and Penalties Determined?

The suspension and other penalties will be determined by the Playing League Disciplinary Chair, based on CYSA or USClub guidelines, historical data, and common sense.

Where can I find out how long is the suspension

Each Playing League communicates suspensions. See their website for details.

Suspension Served - Red Card Sign Off Form

Each Registration League has their own procedure for verifying suspensions and returning passes. Each Registration League or Club can increase the suspension.

For example in the Redwood League, the team manager should have the referee sign the Red Card Sign Off Form for each game the player or coach is sitting out to document that a suspension has been served. Suspended players should not be in the team uniform, but may be in the bench area.

When the suspension has been served, the Red Card Sign Off Form should be returned to the Registration League President (or designee).

Red Card Sign Off Form

If You Are A Repeat Offender

Any player, coach or team official who receives multiple red cards in a season or year can be subject to additional sanctions.

Coach or Team Official Expulsion

The procedure is the same, although the consequences are much harsher. Coaches, assistant coaches, trainers, and managers are typically expelled for irresponsible behavior.

Each District, Registration League and Club can establish what 'Suspended" means.

In District II (Teams registered in District II), 'suspended' means that the team loses the benefit of your services during the suspension period, including any active participation in (1) weekly practices, (2) pre-game warm-ups, or (3) pre-game, half-time, or post-game strategy/evaluation sessions. You may NOT sign game cards prior to games. You may NOT check your team in at tournaments. If you, as a suspended team official, are also a parent, you ARE permitted to observe your child in the role of a spectator. To avoid any mistaken observations, it is recommended that individuals serving a suspension bring a chair and remain quietly seated at all times during games. Suspended team officials that are not also parents should not attend games - even as spectators.

Whether a Coach or TeamStaff suspended while representing Team A, can continue to associate with Team B is determined on the Registration League or Club level.

Can A Spectator Get A Red Card?

Only individuals with passes (players and team staff) can get a red card (player) or expulsion (credentialed adult).
If a spectator (child or adult) is not controlled by the team staff, the referee may either (1) abandon the game, or (2) issue a 'warning' or 'expulsion' to a team official.
It is the team officials' responsibility to control spectators.

Major edit Sept 2013