Add an event to the Calendar / What's NewPrintable

Add a What's New Entry

  1. Go to Administrator:Manage-Events

  2. Click on the 'Add a new entry?' icon add

  3. Give the topic a Title

  4. Click on What's New and the Playing League checked

  5. Select a Playing League from the drop down (might be preset)

  6. Click on the 'Ttile?' if you want the title to be displayed. Otherwise the date will be displayed.

  7. Write your announcement in the Description box. Note that you can use text formatting. See RidgeStar-> help for details of text formatting.

  8. Enter an expiration date --- THIS IS REQUIRED

  9. Enter a URL if you want a link.

Add a Calendar Entry

Calendar entries appear on the Information:Calendar and you can set entries to appear only of specific entries for Users via their selection of MyCalendar options

  1. Add Title and Location (Keep the Title short)
  2. Enter a Start Date/Time and End Date/Time The End Date/Time must be later than the Start Date/Time
  3. Select Calendar
  4. If the Calendar event is associated with a Playing League, select the Playing League in the drop down
  5. If the Calendar event is associated with a District, League, Club or Team enter the CYSA Team ID number (or portion thereof)

    For example: For all of District 2 but not District 1 => enter 02 For all of Redwood Registration League but not other Registration Leagues => enter 02-03 For all of San Mateo Soccer Club, but not other Clubs => enter 02-03-07 For a specific Team, but not other Teams => enter 02-03-07-0001

  6. Add an URL if you wish.

    URL can be external => URL can be to stored files => files/moreinformation.pdf (Note CaseSensiTIvE) URL can be to named pages => registerhere (Note CaSenSiTIVe)

  7. Click Update

News? and Channel

The News? and Channel features are not being used at this time.